(too old to reply)
2010-01-01 20:53:01 UTC
This application is NOT user friendly and the help button is absolutely
pitiful. I have had 3 people looking at how to add a finance charge and not
a one of us could figure it out. The Help menu states there should be an
option but where that option is we can not find it. I guess I will have to
break down and buy QB.

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John Bailey
2010-01-23 01:45:01 UTC
Seriously? That really huge button labeled "Finance Charge" on the Customer
screen didn't give you any hint?

The finance charges are calculated on overdue invoices automatically by
hitting the Finance Charge button and selecting Recalculate. OA does assume
that you use the same finance charge rules for all customers. These rules
can be changed by selecting "Preferences" button. You check off each
customer you want a finnace charge calculated for. You can then select
"Recalculate" to calculate the charge automatically and/or enter the amount
of finance charge you want to assess. When you save the form an invoice will
be created for each of the selected customers with the calculated/entered
finance charge.

Oh, and these instructions can be found in the help by either selecting the
"Help with this form" from finance charge screen or searching with the
keywords Finance Charge in help. Note that this is only available in the pro
version (which is indicated on the first line of the help topic). Its hard
to believe that anyone (much less four people) could search for this and not
find it.

Post by bladeles
This application is NOT user friendly and the help button is absolutely
pitiful. I have had 3 people looking at how to add a finance charge and not
a one of us could figure it out. The Help menu states there should be an
option but where that option is we can not find it. I guess I will have to
break down and buy QB.
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
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